Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Job or Donations

Hey, everyone that reads this... If anyone.

Since I have bills to pay, and since I don't have a job, I'm relying on donations/monetized links. It's either that or get a full-time job and drop development.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Seventy. Two. GODDAMN HOURS o.o I can't sleep, either. I close my eyes and I see lines of code. I need a break.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Just realized that I have a follower! :D

*Waves at mysterious stranger named 'Hunter'* :P

Fable3Tool GUI

Fast 'n' Nasty GUI for Fable3Tool by (I don't know who to credit, but they get credit! :D)

More stuff on Vectors

Well, assuming my theory is correct, I know how to assemble a F3Vector from hex, but going from an actual value to hex using that theory is gonna be difficult.

Kinda sorta maybe hit a tiny bump...

Well... Long story short, nothing extracts Fable III saves properly, apparently. They drop from 8~mb to 600~kb. Where is all of this missing data going to?!